As of January 1, 2025 we now have a $4 minimum on all orders. Thanks for understanding.

Standard Business Headshot


-15 Mintue Session, 1 simple outfit change
-Two full size JPEG Files.
Details: 2-3 business days following your session, you will be emailed a proof sheet of your images. From those, you can select 2 images for final editing. (Blemish removal, background editing, flyaway hairs, etc.) Additional images may be purchased at $15 per image.
While, walk-ins are available up to 30 minutes before posted closing time, booked appointments take priority. You can either schedule that online at the link below or by calling Linhoff Photo at 952-927-7333 during store hours. Book Your Session Here!

What NOT to wear

While you may wear whatever you choose for your photo, we strongly advise against wearing a top that is white or very light in color. The image editing software may not be able to separate your clothing from the background and as a result, it might appear your head is floating in space.

Background Colors

We have a variety of backgrounds available. If you or your company has something specific that you want, please call us to discuss those needs.